Marketing content: why is it essential for your marketing strategy digital?

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In the digital era in which we live, the marketing content has become an essential part of any marketing strategy successful. With so much competition, since it is not enough to simply have a website or presence on social networks. Your brand has to stand out among the crowd, and that is where comes in the marketing of content.

By creating valuable content and attractive, you can attract and retain your target audience, build brand awareness and, ultimately, drive more conversions. But the marketing of content is more than simply creating blog posts or updates on social networks. It is to understand your audience and provide them with the information they need to make informed decisions. From keyword research to the promotion in social networks, a successful campaign marketing content has many different aspects to it.

In this article, we will explore why the marketing of content is so essential to your strategy of digital marketing and how you can use it to achieve your business goals.

Lthe importance of the marketing of content in digital marketing

Is an effective way to attract and retain your target audience. When you create quality content and relevant, you can demonstrate your expertise and authority in your field, which increases consumer confidence in your brand. In addition, it allows you to reach your audience in a more natural and subtle than traditional advertising. Instead of interrupting people with ads, the marketing content provides useful information and valuable that they can use to solve problems or make informed decisions.

Another advantage is that it can help you to build an online community around your brand. When you share useful content, and attractive, people tend to share it with your friends and followers on social networks, which help you to reach a wider audience. In addition, it can help you to build stronger relationships with your existing customers by providing useful and relevant information that allows them to take maximum advantage of your products or services.

Benefits of marketing content

The marketing of content has many benefits for businesses, including:

  • Attract your target audience: Allows you to reach your audience in a more natural and subtle than traditional advertising. When you create useful and relevant content, you can attract the people who are looking for solutions to problems or information about specific topics.
  • Improve SEO: It can help you to improve your SEO. When you create quality content and relevant, it is more likely that other websites linking, which increases your domain authority and your rankings in the search results.
  • Build brand awareness: Allows you to demonstrate your expertise and authority in your field, which increases consumer confidence in your brand. In addition, the shared content in social networks can help you reach a wider audience and build an online community around your brand.
  • Generate more conversions: When you provide useful and relevant information to your audience, it is more likely to become loyal customers. The marketing content may also help to educate customers about your products or services, which allows them to make informed decisions to purchase.

Statistics for marketing content

The marketing of content has shown to be an effective strategy for businesses, as evidenced by the following statistics:

  • Companies that prioritize the marketing of content have a conversion rate 6 times higher that which you do not (Aberdeen Group).
  • Generates 3 times more leads than paid advertising (Content Marketing Institute).
  • 91% of B2B companies use marketing content to reach potential customers (Content Marketing Institute).
  • 72% of marketers think that marketing content is more effective than advertising in magazines (Custom Content Council).

Types of marketing content

You can take many different forms, from blog posts to videos and podcasts. Some of the most common types of marketing content include:

  • Blog posts: The blog posts allow you to share useful and relevant information with your audience. They can also help you improve your SEO and drive traffic to your website.
  • Videos: Can help you reach a wider audience. The videos can be tutorials, product demos, expert interviews, or anything else you can imagine.
  • Infographics: Are a form of visual attractive and to share information with your audience. Can be used to explain complex concepts in an easily understood way. Also to summarize information in a format that is easy to digest.
  • Podcasts: The podcasts are a form of audio content that can be used to share useful information and entertaining with your audience. The podcasts can also help you to build an online community around your brand.
  • Publications in social networks: They are an effective way to share content with your audience, and attract traffic to your web site. Publications in social networks can also help you to build an online community around your brand.

Creation of a marketing plan content

To be successful in the marketing of content, it is important to create a solid plan. Key in the creation of a plan include:

  • Identify your target audience: Before you start creating content, you should understand your target audience. What questions do you have? What problems are they trying to solve? What motivates them?
  • Create a content strategy: Once you understand your target audience, you can start to create a content strategy. What types of content you'll create? How often do you post? How you can promote your content?
  • Create an editorial calendar: An editorial calendar will help you keep track of the topics and the frequency of the publication. It can also help you plan the promotion of the content.
  • Promote your content: Content promotion is the key to make sure it reaches your audience. Using social networks, email, and other channels to promote your content.

Some tips

Some key tips for the success of the marketing of content include:

  • Create useful and relevant content that solves problems or to provide valuable information to your audience.
  • Use pictures and other visual elements to make your content more attractive.
  • Promote your content on social networks, and other channels to reach a wider audience.
  • Make sure your content is optimized for SEO to improve your ranking in the search results.
  • Use analysis tools to measure the success of your content, and make adjustments accordingly.

¿How to measure the success of your efforts?

To measure the success of your efforts is key to make sure you're getting the maximum return on your investment. Some metrics to consider include:

  • Website traffic: How much traffic is coming to your website as a result of the marketing of content?
  • Engagement in social networks: How many "likes", comments and shares are getting your posts on social networks?
  • Time on site: How much time visitors spend on your site after they get there through the marketing of content?
  • Conversions: How many leads or sales you are generating as a result of the marketing of content?

The role of SEO

SEO plays an important role. By optimizing your content for relevant keywords, you can improve your ranking in the search results and attract more traffic to your website. Some SEO tactics that you should consider include:

  • Keyword research: Investigating the words that are relevant to your audience, and make sure to include them in your content and metadata. We did a the post where we tell you all about the keyword research.
  • Optimization of metadata: Make sure that your titles and descriptions are engaging and relevant to users and contain relevant keywords.
  • Link building: Build links back to your content from other relevant web sites to increase your domain authority.
  • Optimization of the speed of the website- Make sure your website loads quickly for improve the user experience and ranking in search results.


The marketing content is an effective strategy to attract and retain your audience, build brand awareness and generate more conversions. When you create useful and relevant content and promoting it effectively, you can reach a wider audience and build an online community around your brand. As the world becomes increasingly digital, the marketing content has become an essential part of any marketing strategy successful.

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