#1 Herramienta para potenciar tu negocio

Appears first in Google
Crea tu página web en minutos, Anuncios de Google, Aumenta tus ventas, Llega al público objetivo
with Spicytool

Do you want your business to appear at the top of the Google search results? Spicytool te da la posibilidad de crear y optimizar campañas de Google Ads de forma inteligente. Y además, si no tienes página web, puedes crearla en cuestión de minutos con nuestra herramienta de IA.

Get to your ideal client. Increase your sales and reach with Google ads.

Spicytool is a tool for creating ads in Google by artificial intelligence. Improve every aspect of your campaign, thus maximizing the effectiveness of each advertisement of Google.

Crea tu página web

No pierdas tiempo ni dinero en desarrollos complicados. Obtén una página web profesional en solo 24 horas, completamente optimizada para tu negocio y lista para atraer a tus clientes.

Optimize your time

Say goodbye to the tedious manual tasks, and welcome to the optimized efficiency with our automation software of digital advertising.

How it works the Spicytool

¡Lanza un anuncio en menos de 1 minuto!

Answer the questions

Complete the form in the section of "Ads Creator"the Spicytool.

Describe your product/company/service

All the information that you enter in the form, we will serve the AI to build the ad's ideal for your campaign. Will optimize your keyword, titles, copy, and segmentation.

Follow your campaign

In the section of "statistics" you'll be able to follow in real time the results of your campaign. The good thing is that the AI will also be monitoring the metrics to constantly be getting better and better your ads.

How much does it cost Spicytool?

If your purchase does not meet your expectations within 30 days, we will refund 100% of your payment.

*See refund policies.

Small & Medium Business



Subscription Standard

Everything you need to enhance your ads.

u$s 20

By month

Pagina web + Google Ads

u$s 40

By month



Everything you need to enhance your ads.

u$s 60

By month


3 meses

50% del precio regular - Precio por mes $30

u$s 90

Then applies subscription standard



60% del precio regular - Precio por mes $24

u$s 289

Then applies subscription standard

Increase your Conversions with Optimized Ads

Simplify your advertising strategy and maximize your results with the tool all-in-one that is transforming online advertising. Register today and discover how to Spicytool can boost your business in the digital world.


You know what they say some of our users

¡Lleva tu negocio al siguiente nivel!
